Thursday, March 26, 2009

Twitter... Day 4

Forreal tho... peep the asian dude. Racist. Haha.


who hasn't gotten the fail whale tho?

So I was bitchin' bout why my Blackberry Twitter software doesn't have an "instant upload" feature for pictures. Well I was wrong. So sorry, Twitterberry. Only after I select and open up a picture could I then bring up the menu and choose "send to Twitterberry." I can't look at the file or even view the picture in that smaller thumbnail option where I see a whole bunch of other photos too. I have to be viewing only the actual photo before I upload it. So I tried. Only every time I've done that, it's failed to upload my picture/update. So Twitterberry still doesn't impress me much. I'd rather send my picture thru my assigned Twitpic address. Why am I complaining though? It's still all pretty easy. I'm jus sayin'... It's not as user friendly as I thought it would be, considering there's major hype around this thing. And it's still F'IN SLOW. FAK! I do know that iPhone users have it the best. I've heard nothing but good when hearing about the iPhone Twitter apps.

One of my favorite Twitter quotes thus far:

Tit: "So if you Twitted yesterday, doesn't that mean you 'Twatted'?"

What's gona' happen is, because Twitter is already getting pretty big. Pretty soon someone's gona' buy out this mother fucker. Then their programers will hopefully bring on technological advances and we'll have newer and better Twitter features along with advertisements and outlets or links to where we can spend money on bs (hopefully the membership will stay free). Hopefully shit will at least be faster by then. Who knows.

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