Friday, March 20, 2009

Time Flies

Weekly Update

This week went by way too fast... in a good and bad way I guess.
It's been a week since my last post, so I've decided to give you a weekly update on shit that's been goin on surrounding me. In between these weekly posts, I'll continue the random spectacle of Lunchbox madness: food, places, events, interent clips... the original intention of starting this blog.

Last Friday I left home for Oxnard, CA. It's about an hour closer to the Bay Area than L.A. is. It's in the Ventura County area, somewhat close to Santa Barbara. Spent the weekend there. It gave me a new perspective on kids and parenting. I'd rather not speak on it though, I think I have more bad things to say than good. So I get back Sunday evening and was lucky enough to spend some good quality time with the fam. I had to KO for an exorbitant amount of time - the weekend was too hectic. Monday night I had a tough practice. Tuesday night, practice again... Tough. My cousin then tells me he wants to hit the slopes on Wednesday cause he got the day off. That night I ended up at this bar/lounge called Koko's for a homegirl's bday. Considering I didn't see the crew the whole weekend, it was coo to see some folks even if it was a Tuesday night. Drank up. Ran into a whole random plethora of folks. Return to the homefront around 2 am, knowing that I'm leaving for Tahoe at around 4:30am (or so I thought). It didn't take too long to get my things together, but I had to take a shower to sober up, so I ended up gettin to my cuzzo's house in Union City around 3:30ish. So of course he's KO'ed and doesn't hear my calls, so I'm stuck with sleeping in my car until departure. Fool wakes up late and we don't hit the road 'til like 6am. This was the 2nd time that happened this season (with someone else though at least). We had fun though, I slept almost the whole way there and back. A lil' fucked up to the driver, but I did have to sleep outside his house for a few hours. I ain't trippen tho, anything to go snowboarding. That makes my 7th run this season, startin' mid January up until now. Good times.

**speaking of which, for you shred heads, it's spring snow right now, a lotta ice and packed powder and groomed madness. but there's a 60% chance of precipitation this weekend. EeuGh!**

So the run was coo. Got a little freeriding in at Sierra. So yea, that was Wednesday. I ended up missing my sister's bday dinner that she had that night that she notified me about that morning which is weird because her birthday was March 4. It's all good though, I went to her other bday events so I'm not totally glum about it. Thursday was another sleep-in day. Pretty tired from Wednesday's run. Ran a few errands, then back to training at night. Shit was intense. And now it's Friday. I'm ready to KO and enjoy Friday. Get it in. Carpe Diem. All that good stuff. (Now I'm thinking of that movie quote, "...time to suck today's dick!..." what fuckin movie was that from?)

Anyways, I gotta end this post with a "thank you Jesus!" cause I dont think Catholics do that enough. "Put the Lord first, then go hard." - Rick Ross. Don't let this quick religious splurt fool you, I don't even go to Church on Sundays which is not the greatest thing to mention, but I do wana say that the shit crosses my mind. So yes, Thank You Lord for a wonderful week. I also gotta say I miss my Grandmother. Folks, please visit your passed relatives, I'm sure they miss you even if you don't think about them all the time. The crazy thing is, I think about her all the time. I think my absence in music makes her upset or disappointed in me, like I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do. But that's a whole different story.

Before this gets too mushy...

Peace. Love. God Bless.

- Raw

p.s. If you got a good job, stop bein lazy!

(This of course applies to those who are...)

The recession is here. Even if it hasn't hit you, it's probably hit the ones around you. Someone very close to me just got laid off. Of course it's due to budget and all that good economic mess. And although he's somewhat well off, he still has a wife and two kids to take care of. I'm not really worried about his situation, it just brought me to think that people are gettin' cut no matter who you are. Whether or not you have dependents. It used to be the shitty worker who got cut, but now it's the higher paid hard worker that gets the boot. This marks the 8th or 9th person I personally know who got laid off within the span of these last couple months. So if you got a job, hold on to it and be happy that you got one.

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