Monday, March 23, 2009

Twit... Day 1

So I've requested the aid of a fellow Tweeter to guide me along the ways of the Twit.

[15:10] Me: how long u been on that twitter thing?
[15:11] P-Funk: since like late jan
Me: shit's crazy...
P-Funk: lol
P-Funk: why?
P-Funk: what's up?
Me: iono
Me: nuthin
Me: i jus find it weird
P-Funk: it's like stalking 2.0
P-Funk: but i dunno
Me: hahah...

**screen names were altered to protect privacy**

So as I expected, there's a setting where you make your Twitter profile private, and for people to follow you, you go through a request and accept process like any other online profile. Twitter's stalker rating has gone down... just a little. Juuuuust a little.

1 comment:

  1. to be honest, i only read the tweets of the people i'm close to...which is like, 3 people on my list of 20-something. and, it's really good if family is on there because then i can read what they're up to.
