Friday, April 10, 2009

This is How We Measure Dicks... No Homo


So now I'm back on track. Let me say that shit's been gettin' crazy round here. I kinda' like it, I kinda' don't. But that's life right?

Friday, the 3rd.
I'm still resting from the little turn-around trip to Reno which blew a S*!TLOAD of my money. Friday night I had USF practice.
**USF has a club called Hui O' Hawaii (i think that's right... don't quote me) and they put on a Lu'au every year. It's basically their Hawaiian club. In the past 5 years (with the exception of Spring '07), I've been helpin' them out with putting on their show, alongside my teacher of course (He's been helpin' em out for like 9-10+ years). It's like a workshop.. sorta. Every year my teacher gets brought in as an instructor. We train the guys and girls for their lu'au and put together routines and what not. In the actual lu'au we get to lay back as musicians and provide the music and drumming for the club while they dance. So we usually only seem 'em any time during or after January up until their lu'au which usually falls end of April.**
Later that night was probably one of the most emotional/hilarious nights I've had goin' out to the club. It was the eve of my homie Alex's bday. We hit up Sutra. Did our thang. Ended up having a weird hour long conversation with my cousin's previous significant other about why things didn't work out. Left the club pretty faded. Seen certain folks who we have bad ties with for certain reasons. 5-0 was there, so I guess somebody's night was saved. I end up in front of my boy's car with a $44 pizza tryna' explain to my homies new girlfriend that we act the way we act and do the things we do and there's nothing wrong with it. Should I even have to explain?
Thus, I learned a new term.
"Measuring Dicks" (no homo) - this is coming from her of course.
When guys act like guys in a physical sense. Like horseplay.
... or that period right before guys get into a fight ...
Or if they actually do get into a fight, it's referred to (by her) as, "Measuring Dicks"
So in the event of learning this new term, "Measuring Dicks" I decided to celebrate by doing none other than, "Measuring Dicks." I can't explain to you the exact process, but I basically took a fully cemented parking meter and removed it from the ground.
Later that night I end up meeting the guys over at my boy's spot. We were all drunk and faded. Somehow I ended up shooting craps until 5:30 in the morning. I came there with $10 in my pocket. I think I left with about $80.

Saturday night was the real celebration of my boy Alex's bday. We go to Bruno's, a spot on 20th and Mission. Super packed... Crackin'... Just a little different crowd then we were used to. But the guy to girl ratio was really good so that wins points with me. No one remembers half of the night, and a whole bunch of people threw up. I knew at least three people did. Not gona' name who. But three different people yuked. So you know FOR SURE, it went down.

Sunday marked our 8th basketball game of our season. Team Go. 3-5.
We won. Smash House. Only we started out playing 5 on 4 cause half their team no-showed.
Sad story. But fuck it. We ended up playin' 5-5 later on after the 2nd half, but it was too late.
SMASH HOUSE. We'll be headin' into single elimination playoffs the week after Easter Sunday.

Monday, back to training. Hustle.. on the grind, all the time.

Tuesday... OPENING DAY!
Giants won. Shit was fun. Lower reserve right behind the Giants dugout. Never been that close at a baseball game. Makes me wana' cop tickets there all the time. We were 5 rows behind Peter Magowan. Garlic Fries were screaaaaamin'.

Wednesday... My uncle gets sick. Fak!
So I gotta cover for him (lead our practice in our Santa Clara branch). Everything was all gravy, only I missed out on a free ticket to the Giants game. A few rows behind home base. Where the shit's not numbered, it's lettered. Damn. DAMN! I coulda' went to back to back games. I end up headin' to Skylark that night after practice. Met up with some of the fellas. Too bad it was dumb crackin' and stupid packed.

Thursday... Academy of Science. Siiiiick.
So my sister's fiance's b-day recently passed and she decides to plan a surprise shindig for him today. We hit up the Academy of Science in the city. Every Thursday from 6pm-10pm, they're open to adults 21+ for only $10 admission. What's sick is that generally, it's $25 for adults at any other time of the day. AND they serve alcohol, which makes science a little more interesting in my opinion. So me and the fam tour the newly remodeled museum. It's super crowded cause everyone goes. FYI, they sell out online way in advance, so if you want tickets, get em. Otherwise, you have to wait in line. At about 5:30pm the line is about 100 yards long and it's not a guarantee you'll get in, unless of course you're towards the front. After our little expedition, we hit up Marnee Thai on Irving. Food was great. I would blog it, but I didn't take pictures.

Pretty busy week. Didn't go to Reno or anything, like last week. But still. Eventfull nonetheless.

Stay safe over the weekend folks.

- Raw

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