Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Allow me to introduce to ya'll my family. (Up Above)

As I dabble in yet another form of artistic expression (photography), I'm beginning to realize how truly critical I am of my own work. When it comes to art, I throw out the rule book. I can shoot 9 bad pictures, but the 10th might be the one. So here are a few shots from last Sunday. I was at my sister's house in Hayward, and we had a whole bunch of Easter festivities. We basically ate and napped from 12pm - 4pm, then all the kids started doin' the whole Easter egg decorating deal. After, we flew a kite for shits and giggles and then had an Easter egg hunt. I'd rather keep as much of my family off the internet as much as I can, so check out the Easter egg basket above. That's my family. And this was us beforehand:

The kids had their little creative session goin' on. After the madness, we all put our names on an egg. But damn tho, why they gotta make the food coloring tablets look like this though?

I think ya'll catch my drift...
Anyways, this is my lil' nephew. The happiest baby ever. He always laughs and plays, he hardly ever cries. Sometimes he gets a lil' frustrated when he has to take a sh*! or when he's hungry, but other than that he's great. I know this goes against my whole family posting logic, but for the sake of art, why not.

- Raw

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